The small molecule facility consists of two Rigaku Oxford Diffraction XtaLAB Synergy-S diffractometers. The single microfocus source (Mo) Synergy-S is equipped with a Dectris PILATUS3 R 200K HPC detector and the dual microfocus source (Mo/Cu) Synergy-S is equipped with a Rigaku HyPix-6000HE HPC detector. Each machine is equipped with an Oxford CryoSystem low temperature device which enables routine data collections at 100K. The Cu source can be used for weakly diffracting crystals and to determine the absolute structures of light atom compounds - no atom larger than F. Data collection on both machines is very efficient and it is routine to collect one or two complete datasets on each machine in a 24-hour day.
The X-ray Facility is staffed by Dr. Patrick Carroll (Director) and Dr. Michael R. Gau (Staff Crystallographer).