
Inorganic Chemistry Seminar, Dr. Semin Lee , LSU

"Alkyne Metathesis: Catalysts and Hoops"
Dec 3, 2024 at - | Chemistry Complex
Carolyn Hoff Lynch Lecture Hall



-Alkyne metathesis is a powerful method for synthesizing alkyne-containing molecules under thermodynamic control. Alkyne metathesis has been effective in preparing natural products and various organic materials such as shape-persistent macrocycles, cages, polymers, and covalent organic frameworks. Here, various Mo(VI)-alkylidyne-based catalysts with multidentate ligands will be explored. Additionally, a scalable preparation method for carbon nanohoops using alkyne metathesis will be presented. Strain-promoted reactions and polymerization of carbon nanohoops will also be discussed.




Lithium-Ion Extraction and Separation
Lithium is a crucial element for the modern world as they are used for lithium-ion batteries to power electric vehicles and portable electronic devices. Due to the increasing demand of lithium and a sustainable closed-loop recycling system, efficient and cost-effective lithium extraction techniques are being investigated. We are developing various organic molecules that can effectively selectively bind lithium against other metal ions. The goal is to extract and separate lithium-ion (or salts) from mineral brine, sea water, or postconsumer batteries ores.


Host Prof. Dan Mindiola